Designer Business Book Series ROLE: DESCRIPTION: Cult of Perormance NAME: SUMMARY: LOGO: SKILLS: For the Cult of Performance business management help guidance book series, I developed a comprehensive visual identity system that spanned all 10 books. My approach ensured each book had a distinct theme, with individual color and content schemes, while maintaining a cohesive overall design. This system provided a consistent and recognizable brand image for the series, enhancing its appeal and helping guide readers through the journey of radical self-help and leadership principles. EXTRA FEATURES: Width : 7 in Page Count : 82 Length : 9.5 in Binding : Perfect Bound • Boxed Set • French Fold Faps • Limited Edition Run FRONT: SPREADS: GRAPHICS: BACK: Graphic Design Creative Direction Art Direction Book Design ME@GVERSTEGEN.COM / 323.638.7729 323.638.7729 ME@GVERSTEGEN.COM