In the immersive realm of Avatar: Pandora Rising, I helmed a multifaceted project that blended real-time strategy with social gaming dynamics. My role involved directing a team of animators, designers, and game capture artists to craft captivating advertisements and promotional videos, as well as providing support to the vibrant social community. Faced with the challenge of promoting a game with nuanced strategic elements and high intellectual property value, I led the charge in devising innovative marketing solutions to overcome limitations in graphic fidelity. Despite these hurdles, our efforts culminated in a successful beta launch, garnering positive feedback from fans and players alike and signaling the game's potential for widespread success and monetization. Through strategic collaboration and creative problem-solving, we navigated the intricate landscape of Pandora, bringing to life its diverse factions and immersive ecosystem for players to explore and engage with. Art DirectorDesigner Mobile Game ROLE: DESCRIPTION: Avatar: Pandora Rising NAME: SUMMARY: PANDORARISING.COM LINK: LOGO: Graphic Design SKILLS: Art Direction Motion Design Brand Design Social Strategy Video Editing Social posts highlghting the different types of roles offered in-game. PROJECT: UA End Card PROJECT: App store screenshot treatments PROJECT: App store screenshot treatments PROJECT: App store screenshot treatments PROJECT: Social posts highlghting the different types of roles offered in-game. PROJECT: UA Advertisements. PROJECT: Social posts highlghting the in-depth stats and strategic components of each character. PROJECT: Social posts highlghting the in-depth stats and strategic components of each character. PROJECT: ME@GVERSTEGEN.COM / 323.638.7729 323.638.7729 ME@GVERSTEGEN.COM